Æthelfrith (c. 900 – 927) was an Ealdorman of southern Mercia, occurring in documents in the first part of the 10th century. Having married Æthelgyth, daughter of Æthelwulf, he was father to four Ealdormen: Æthelstan Half-King (East Anglia), Ælfstan (Mercia), Æthelwald (Kent), and Eadric (Wessex), and apparently grandfather of Ealdorman Æthelweard 'the Historian'. That the latter called himself 'grandson's grandson' of Æthelred I, as well as documented patterns of land inheritance, have led to the hypothesis that Æthelfrith was a son of Aethelhelm, Ealdorman of Wiltshire, one of Æthelred's sons. A further genealogical reconstruction would make Aethelweard, and hence Æthelfrith, an ancestor of King Harold II.